Motorsport Final Drives.
Besides the gears in the transmission, there is also a gear in the differential. This is known as the final drive, differential gear, crown wheel pinion (CWP) or ring and pinion. The OEM final drives are designed for the requirements of that specific car. If you are upgrading your car, or increasing engine power, the OEM parts of the drivetrain have a higher failure risk. Upgrading your drivetrain components is necessary, since a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
Characteristics of a Motorsport Final Drive
Most OEM final drives have a Gleason hypoid tooth shape. These final drives are manufactured in high quantities and Gleason hypoid manufacturing is cheaper compared to Klingelnberg (cyclo) palloid. The most significant advantages of Motorsport final drives are:
- Cyclo palloid gear shape
- Constant tooth width
- Maximum tooth root radius for increased strength
- High-grade steel
- Custom ratio’s
- More strength in same package size

BMW Final Drives
BMW has various types of rear-axles and final drives. To be able to supply a wide range of final drive ratio’s, we have standard OEM and Motorsport types in stock. KMP has final drives available for almost each of the following types:
- BMW 210
- BMW 188
- BMW 188K
- BMW 188L
- BMW 168
Consult our catalog for more information. Besides the complete BMW range, KMP is able to manufacture custom made final drives in small batches for motorsport usage. Feel free to contact us for more information and possible solutions.